We’re on TV! Love Writing Co.’s New Television Campaign

We’re on TV! Love Writing Co.’s New Television Campaign

Our first TV advert has gone live! Although the past several months in lockdown have been pretty hectic, we felt having a TV campaign was an excellent next step for us to let more people know about our products and how we help kids on their learning journey - and we could not be happier with how it turned out!

We felt it was important to bring a bit of humour to the campaign whilst explaining why Love Writing Co. pencils are the best option for helping children learn to write. The campaign was designed to be a fun way to clearly get our message across whilst being something that (hopefully) kids and their parents love to watch together.

The concept was to show how kids would struggle to learn other skills like how to ride a bike or eat correctly when using oversized objects...and why having something designed specifically for children - like our perfectly sized pencils - would clearly be far easier, less chaotic, and more enjoyable!

Having an idea is one thing but filming it during lockdown is another! We had noticed the film director Mat Laroche creating some great films with his two boys during this time on Instagram @Mat Laroche  - filming and editing everything from home. They were funny, cute but also often had an important message behind them. And his kids were also just so adorable! We thought he would be the perfect person to bring the idea to life - so we contacted him and he was keen to come on board.

Mat filmed everything over a weekend and edited it on the Monday - so, in 3 days we had our TV ad complete - which really is amazing. Well done Mat!

The advert illustrates how Love Writing Co.’s pencils are perfectly designed for little hands by being the correct length and having a wider diameter and a softer core than adult pencils so they move smoothly across the page. If you fancy knowing a little more about how our pencils help your child learn to write, click here

Now the campaign has gone live…if you do see the advert then we hope it puts a smile on your face!

We are excited to see what lies ahead for the next year and we could not be more grateful to every individual who has supported us along the way. You never know, perhaps you’ll see us on a billboard next…? 

Watch the advert online here: 


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